
Prior to getting a tattoo, here are some care tips you need to keep in mind.

1. Restrict Certain Substances

For 48 hours prior to getting a tattoo, ensure that you don’t drink any alcohol or caffeine. Since both substances are known to thin the blood, they could lead to increased bleeding during the process and make it a lot more bloody than it needs to be.

2. Tank Up

A week before getting inked, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 litres of water daily. Before you brush this off as any ordinary skin care tip, know that a hydrated body ensures that the skin is supple and resilient to take the pressure of the needle, especially if you’ve got a long session. On D-day, eat a full meal and drink plenty of water before the nerves kick in. Low food intake can cause dizziness and low blood sugar, making the experience more painful. Together, when coupled with nervousness, it can take away from an experience that should have been memorable. 

3. No Aspirin

Avoid taking any tablets like aspirin for 24 to 48 hours before you get inked. Such tablets too have the tendency to thin the blood and make bleeding easier, so unless absolutely necessary, it’s best to avoid them before your tattoo appointment.

4. Be Comfortable

When heading to get inked, ensure that your clothing is loose and breathable and your tattoo area is easily accessible. If it’s on your hands or legs, sleeveless tops or shorts will do. For trickier areas like your back or mid-riff, make sure your t-shirt can be pinned up easily.